Whats the point of even doing TrainerRoads ramp test if the results are going to be influenced by so many external factors that its impossible to get an accurate reading of your actual FTP? I mean, think about it - youve got temperature, humidity, and air pressure all affecting your power output, not to mention the psychological aspect of knowing youre doing a test and subconsciously pushing yourself harder than you normally would. And dont even get me started on the warm-up protocol, which is basically nonexistent. Are we just supposed to magically be ready to go all-out from the get-go?
And what about the actual test itself? Its just a linear progression of power output, with no regard for the individuals actual physiological response. What if youre someone who takes longer to warm up, or who has a naturally higher anaerobic capacity? Does the test even account for that? And the whole start with a low power output and increase it every minute thing - how is that supposed to be an accurate reflection of real-world riding, where youre constantly accelerating and decelerating?
Not to mention, the test is only 8-12 minutes long, which is hardly representative of the kind of sustained efforts youd encounter on a real ride. And what about the cool-down? Is that even factored into the results? Its like TrainerRoad just threw a bunch of numbers into a spreadsheet and expected it to magically work.
Ive seen people do the test, get a supposedly accurate reading of their FTP, and then proceed to struggle on actual rides because theyre not actually able to sustain that level of power output. So whats the point of the test, really? Is it just a way to make us feel good about ourselves, or is it actually supposed to be a useful tool for training?
And what about the actual test itself? Its just a linear progression of power output, with no regard for the individuals actual physiological response. What if youre someone who takes longer to warm up, or who has a naturally higher anaerobic capacity? Does the test even account for that? And the whole start with a low power output and increase it every minute thing - how is that supposed to be an accurate reflection of real-world riding, where youre constantly accelerating and decelerating?
Not to mention, the test is only 8-12 minutes long, which is hardly representative of the kind of sustained efforts youd encounter on a real ride. And what about the cool-down? Is that even factored into the results? Its like TrainerRoad just threw a bunch of numbers into a spreadsheet and expected it to magically work.
Ive seen people do the test, get a supposedly accurate reading of their FTP, and then proceed to struggle on actual rides because theyre not actually able to sustain that level of power output. So whats the point of the test, really? Is it just a way to make us feel good about ourselves, or is it actually supposed to be a useful tool for training?