How To Test Ability To Reach Ride Checkpoint


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2015
This year's "Bike MS City to Shore" organized ride in New Jersey has a 100 mile ride option for Saturday, October 3. However there is a condition: the cyclist has to start the century loop (at mile 46.3) by or before 11:30 a.m. EST. If I start my ride at 8:00 a.m., that gives me about 3.5 hours to get to that checkpoint -- mile 46.3.

I'm not real sure I can do 46.3 miles in that time -- 3.5 hours.

So I think a good test of myself is to go out this Sunday from my home and see if I can make 46.3 miles in any direction. My area has often gentle hills, but the environment is extremely urban too, with heavy traffic and significant congestion.

Would this make sense to do?

Thanks a ton

Bob Cochran
Yes it makes sense - the only way you'll know is to try it. Even better if you could drive up to that area and test ride the actual route - but any ride will give you an idea if you can do it.
Thank you! I'll try a training ride tomorrow and see how I do. I agree I ought to go to the ride location in New Jersey, but it is approximately 130 miles away and I don't want to drive my car more than I must -- no need to pump more hydrocarbons into the air.

Thanks a ton
