Whats the most effective way to handle varying ride paces on Zwift, specifically when youre in a group ride with some riders who insist on pushing a blistering pace while others are struggling to keep up - should you try to accommodate the slower riders and risk losing the faster ones, or do you let the group naturally split up and hope that everyone finds their own rhythm, even if that means the group disintegrates into smaller sub-groups?
Is it better to designate specific pace groups within the larger group, or should you just let everyone ride at their own pace and not worry about trying to keep everyone together? And whats the etiquette around dropping slower riders - is it considered rude to leave them behind, or is it just the natural consequence of a fast-paced group ride?
How do you balance the desire to push yourself and ride at a challenging pace with the need to be considerate of other riders who may not be as strong or experienced? And whats the best way to communicate with other riders in a group ride to make sure everyone is on the same page and knows what to expect?
Are there any Zwift-specific features or tools that can help manage varying ride paces in a group ride, such as the ability to create custom pace groups or designate specific ride leaders? Or is it all just a matter of good old-fashioned communication and teamwork?
Is it better to designate specific pace groups within the larger group, or should you just let everyone ride at their own pace and not worry about trying to keep everyone together? And whats the etiquette around dropping slower riders - is it considered rude to leave them behind, or is it just the natural consequence of a fast-paced group ride?
How do you balance the desire to push yourself and ride at a challenging pace with the need to be considerate of other riders who may not be as strong or experienced? And whats the best way to communicate with other riders in a group ride to make sure everyone is on the same page and knows what to expect?
Are there any Zwift-specific features or tools that can help manage varying ride paces in a group ride, such as the ability to create custom pace groups or designate specific ride leaders? Or is it all just a matter of good old-fashioned communication and teamwork?