Whats the point of even having bike lanes if theyre just going to be filled with potholes and debris? I mean, its like the city is just paying lip service to cyclists without actually doing anything to make the roads safe. And dont even get me started on the whole share the road mentality - its just a cop-out for not providing adequate infrastructure.
Im not asking for much, just some decent roads that arent going to destroy my wheels or send me flying into traffic. Is that really too much to ask? And whats with the lack of bike-specific traffic signals? Its like the city just assumes were going to follow the same rules as cars, without considering the unique challenges of cycling.
Ive seen some cities with really innovative bike route designs - like bike-only tunnels and elevated bike paths. Why cant we have something like that here? Instead, were stuck with narrow bike lanes that are constantly being encroached upon by cars and pedestrians. Its like the city is just trying to appease cyclists without actually doing anything to make the roads safer.
So, whats the solution here? Are we just stuck with subpar bike routes forever, or is there a way to actually make a change? What are some strategies that other cities have used to create safe and efficient bike routes? And what can we do to push our city to do better?
Im not asking for much, just some decent roads that arent going to destroy my wheels or send me flying into traffic. Is that really too much to ask? And whats with the lack of bike-specific traffic signals? Its like the city just assumes were going to follow the same rules as cars, without considering the unique challenges of cycling.
Ive seen some cities with really innovative bike route designs - like bike-only tunnels and elevated bike paths. Why cant we have something like that here? Instead, were stuck with narrow bike lanes that are constantly being encroached upon by cars and pedestrians. Its like the city is just trying to appease cyclists without actually doing anything to make the roads safer.
So, whats the solution here? Are we just stuck with subpar bike routes forever, or is there a way to actually make a change? What are some strategies that other cities have used to create safe and efficient bike routes? And what can we do to push our city to do better?