Whats stopping you from completely imploding your training program with multiple daily workouts - is it really just a matter of listening to your body, or are there harder, more objective measures of overtraining that youre ignoring in your relentless pursuit of gains?
Do you truly believe that you can avoid overtraining simply by incorporating rest days or easy spins into your schedule, or is this just a fantasy that lets you feel like youre pushing yourself to the limit while actually just avoiding the real issue?
How do you respond to critics who say that the whole concept of overtraining is just a euphemism for not being tough enough, and that the only way to truly improve is to push through the pain and exhaustion, no matter what the cost?
Can you honestly say that youre not just using overtraining as an excuse to avoid the intense, brutal training thats required to truly succeed at the highest levels of competition?
Is there any actual science behind the idea that overtraining is a real, physiological phenomenon that cant be overcome through sheer willpower, or is this just a myth perpetuated by coaches and trainers who are more interested in coddling their athletes fragile egos than in pushing them to achieve true greatness?
Whats the point of even trying to avoid overtraining if youre just going to end up plateauing and stagnating anyway - wouldnt it be better to just go all-in and risk everything for the chance at true glory, rather than playing it safe and ending up as just another also-ran?
Can anyone truly say that theyve achieved greatness without pushing themselves to the very limits of human endurance, and if so, whats the secret to their success - is it just a matter of having more natural talent, or is there something more to it?
Why do so many riders seem to be obsessed with the idea of recovery and self-care, when the real key to success is clearly just to push harder and longer than everyone else - whats wrong with these people, and why cant they just see the obvious truth?
Do you truly believe that you can avoid overtraining simply by incorporating rest days or easy spins into your schedule, or is this just a fantasy that lets you feel like youre pushing yourself to the limit while actually just avoiding the real issue?
How do you respond to critics who say that the whole concept of overtraining is just a euphemism for not being tough enough, and that the only way to truly improve is to push through the pain and exhaustion, no matter what the cost?
Can you honestly say that youre not just using overtraining as an excuse to avoid the intense, brutal training thats required to truly succeed at the highest levels of competition?
Is there any actual science behind the idea that overtraining is a real, physiological phenomenon that cant be overcome through sheer willpower, or is this just a myth perpetuated by coaches and trainers who are more interested in coddling their athletes fragile egos than in pushing them to achieve true greatness?
Whats the point of even trying to avoid overtraining if youre just going to end up plateauing and stagnating anyway - wouldnt it be better to just go all-in and risk everything for the chance at true glory, rather than playing it safe and ending up as just another also-ran?
Can anyone truly say that theyve achieved greatness without pushing themselves to the very limits of human endurance, and if so, whats the secret to their success - is it just a matter of having more natural talent, or is there something more to it?
Why do so many riders seem to be obsessed with the idea of recovery and self-care, when the real key to success is clearly just to push harder and longer than everyone else - whats wrong with these people, and why cant they just see the obvious truth?