Is it really necessary to resort to mindless entertainment like TV shows or movies during indoor trainer sessions, or are we just not challenging ourselves enough to find the mental toughness to push through the boredom. Ive seen some people swear by virtual training platforms that simulate outdoor rides, but arent these just a crutch for those who cant handle the monotony of a standard trainer workout. If were truly committed to improving our fitness and performance, shouldnt we be focusing on developing our mental endurance rather than relying on distractions to get us through a ride. And what about the argument that listening to music or podcasts can actually enhance the indoor training experience by boosting motivation and energy levels - is this just a myth perpetuated by those who cant stand the sound of their own breathing. How do you guys stay engaged and motivated during long indoor trainer sessions, and do you think its possible to achieve the same level of physical fitness without sacrificing mental toughness.