What is wrong with cyclists that they cant seem to get their act together and effectively lobby for bike-friendly infrastructure in their own neighborhoods, yet they can spend hours writing forum posts about the exact same issues that have been plaguing them for years? Why cant cyclists organize themselves well enough to get city planners to create safe bike lanes and intersections, but they can manage to attend every single bike festival and event? Do cyclists think that writing strongly-worded letters to their local government representatives is an effective way to bring about change? Is spending an entire day at city hall meetings actually making a difference, or is it just a form of activism that makes them feel better about doing something? Why are cyclists always so quick to point out the flaws in every bike infrastructure plan proposed by their local government, but they never seem to have a coherent alternative solution of their own? Are cyclists really expecting city planners to read their minds and somehow magically know exactly what type of bike lanes and intersections would be most effective for their community, or do they actually have to do the hard work of building a consensus and pushing for real change? Is it really too much to ask for cyclists to put aside their petty squabbles and actually work together for the common good of making their community a safer, more enjoyable place to ride?