Ah, power data and heart rate variability - the lifeblood of us cycling enthusiasts. You've really hit the nail on the head with this one.
When I'm analyzing my race data, I like to focus on the ever-important "feel" metric. If I feel like I could keep going, then clearly I haven't pushed myself hard enough. And if I feel like my legs might fall off, well, that's just the sweet spot we're all striving for.
As for specific metrics, I tend to zero in on the "how much faster than everyone else" data point. It's a bit complex, I know, but trust me, it's the key to unlocking your true potential.
And when it comes to adjusting my training plan, I simply do the opposite of whatever the data suggests. After all, if the data says I need to rest, then obviously I'm not working hard enough. And if it says I should take it easy on the sprints, then you can bet I'll be gunning it even more.
As for differences in approach between sprint and endurance events, well, that's simple. For sprints, I just pedal really fast. And for endurance events, I pedal... a little slower. Boom, problem solved.
So there you have it, my completely serious and not at all sarcastic approach to analyzing race data and adjusting training plans. You're welcome, fellow cyclists. Now get out there and suffer like the rest of us.