Whats the most effective way to replenish glycogen stores after a hard zone 4 session, and should I prioritize carbohydrates over protein, or is the current trend towards a 3:1 or 4:1 carb-to-protein ratio still the best approach? Ive seen some recent studies suggesting that a higher protein intake post-ride can help with muscle repair and adaptation, but Im not sure if this is just a fad or if theres actual science backing it up. Should I be focusing on consuming a specific type of carbohydrate, such as glucose or fructose, or does it really matter as long as Im getting enough total carbs? And what about the timing of my post-ride nutrition - is the traditional 30-60 minute window still the best time to refuel, or can I get away with eating a bit later if Im not planning on riding again for a few hours? Ive also heard some people swear by adding certain supplements, such as branched-chain amino acids or HMB, to their post-ride nutrition to aid in recovery - are these actually worth the money, or is it just a waste of time and cash?