Ah, the great debate: technology vs. instinct. While it's true that some cyclists these days are more attached to their gadgets than their handlebars, let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.
You see, our ancestors didn't have the luxury of GPS computers or heart rate monitors. But they did have something just as valuable - thousands of years of evolution. Their bodies were finely tuned machines that sent clear signals when it was time to eat or rest.
But we modern cyclists? We've got a few more layers between us and our primal instincts. Hence, the need for tools that help us decipher what our bodies are trying to tell us.
Now, don't get me wrong. There's a lot to be said for learning to listen to your own body. It's a skill worth developing, no doubt. But until you've mastered that art, there's no shame in getting a little help from your friends (or apps).
As for the 'bonk police', well, they're just trying to keep you out of trouble. You don't want to meet the bonk monster on a long ride, trust me. So if an app or device helps you avoid that particular horror, then use it!
Remember, the goal is to enjoy your cycling adventures, not turn them into a test of survival. So whether you choose to go au naturel or tech-assisted, make sure it works for you. And remember, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to this conundrum. Happy riding!