Are we really still debating the merits of different types of fat in our diets, or has the cycling community finally caught up with the rest of the world in realizing that not all fats are created equal? I mean, seriously, how many of you are still putting coconut oil in your smoothies and thinking youre doing your body a favor? Newsflash: just because its natural doesnt mean its good for you.
And dont even get me started on the whole all saturated fats are bad myth that still seems to be perpetuated by some of the more... lets say, old-school cyclists out there. I mean, come on, havent you guys heard of the whole in moderation thing? Its not like were talking about mainlining bacon grease here.
But in all seriousness, whats the deal with the different types of fat? I mean, I know that omega-3s are supposed to be good for inflammation and all that, but what about the other ones? Whats the difference between monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, and why should I care? And dont give me any of that its all about the ratios nonsense - I want to know what the actual science says.
And while were on the subject, can someone please explain to me why its okay to eat a whole block of cheddar cheese after a ride, but not okay to have a handful of almonds? I mean, I know the cheese is probably higher in calories and all that, but at least its got some actual nutritional value, right? And dont even get me started on the whole almonds are high in fat thing - like, yeah, no kidding. Thats kind of the point.
So, cycling nutrition experts, please weigh in - whats the real deal on fats, and how can we use them to fuel our rides without turning into a bunch of lard-butts? And please, for the love of all that is holy, spare me the just eat a balanced diet nonsense. I want specifics, people.
And dont even get me started on the whole all saturated fats are bad myth that still seems to be perpetuated by some of the more... lets say, old-school cyclists out there. I mean, come on, havent you guys heard of the whole in moderation thing? Its not like were talking about mainlining bacon grease here.
But in all seriousness, whats the deal with the different types of fat? I mean, I know that omega-3s are supposed to be good for inflammation and all that, but what about the other ones? Whats the difference between monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, and why should I care? And dont give me any of that its all about the ratios nonsense - I want to know what the actual science says.
And while were on the subject, can someone please explain to me why its okay to eat a whole block of cheddar cheese after a ride, but not okay to have a handful of almonds? I mean, I know the cheese is probably higher in calories and all that, but at least its got some actual nutritional value, right? And dont even get me started on the whole almonds are high in fat thing - like, yeah, no kidding. Thats kind of the point.
So, cycling nutrition experts, please weigh in - whats the real deal on fats, and how can we use them to fuel our rides without turning into a bunch of lard-butts? And please, for the love of all that is holy, spare me the just eat a balanced diet nonsense. I want specifics, people.