Is there any actual science behind finding the sweet spot for rear derailleur tension, or are we just pretending to be engineers and tweaking it until it kinda works, and what would be the most unorthodox yet feasible method to achieve perfect shifting, ignoring the traditional B-tension and barrel adjuster setup, and thinking outside the box, maybe involving an actual scientific instrument like a tension gauge or some crazy math-based calculation, and would it even be worth the extra complexity and potential for catastrophic failure, or are we just stuck with the age-old method of Trial and Error and its close enough, and if so, then whats the point of all these fancy derailleur designs and marketing claims of precise shifting, and shouldnt we just admit that bike manufacturers are just winging it and hope the average rider doesnt notice the difference between perfect shifting and good enough, or am I just overthinking this and good enough is, well, good enough.