Whats the point of even discussing metabolism if were not going to break down the specific contributions of each activity to improved metabolic function. I mean, we all know that exercise is crucial, but whats the actual science behind how different types of exercise impact our metabolism. Is it really just a matter of calories in vs calories out, or are there other factors at play. For example, how does high-intensity interval training compare to steady-state cardio in terms of metabolic benefits. And what about strength training - does building muscle mass really have a significant impact on resting metabolic rate. Im tired of hearing vague claims about how exercise improves metabolism without any actual data or scientific evidence to back it up. Can we please have a more nuanced discussion about the specific ways in which different activities contribute to improved metabolic function. What are the actual mechanisms by which exercise improves insulin sensitivity, glucose uptake, and fat oxidation. Lets get beyond the superficial level and dive into the actual physiology of exercise and metabolism.