Ive heard that waxing my chain is the ultimate way to protect it from the elements, but Im still not convinced. Can someone explain to me how a thin layer of wax is supposed to repel water and dirt when its clear that wax has a porous structure? Doesnt that just mean that water and grime can seep right through the wax and still damage the chain? And what about the claim that wax reduces friction - isnt that just a myth perpetuated by the wax industry? I mean, if wax really did reduce friction, wouldnt we be seeing wax-coated chains on all high-performance bikes? And dont even get me started on the whole wax is self-cleaning nonsense - Ive seen waxed chains that are caked with dirt and grime, so clearly thats not the case. So, wax enthusiasts, convince me: how does wax actually protect my chain from the elements, and whats the science behind it?