For those who swear by the sacred cow of cutout saddles being the ultimate solution to perineal pressure and discomfort, Id love to hear how you reconcile the fact that a properly fitted seat height, according to various studies and experts, seems to be the actual determining factor in alleviating these issues.
Given that the cutout design is meant to reduce pressure on sensitive areas, do you think that an optimally set seat height would negate the benefits of a cutout saddle altogether, rendering it a redundant feature? Or would the added suspended sensation of a cutout saddle still provide some tangible comfort benefits even when seat height is properly set?
Furthermore, Im curious to know how youd address the argument that the purported benefits of cutout saddles might be merely a placebo effect, with users attributing their improved comfort to the saddle design rather than the actual optimized seat height and bike fit?
Can anyone provide empirical evidence or credible research that definitively proves the cutout design provides a significant advantage in comfort and pressure relief over a properly fitted, non-cutout saddle with an optimized seat height?
Given that the cutout design is meant to reduce pressure on sensitive areas, do you think that an optimally set seat height would negate the benefits of a cutout saddle altogether, rendering it a redundant feature? Or would the added suspended sensation of a cutout saddle still provide some tangible comfort benefits even when seat height is properly set?
Furthermore, Im curious to know how youd address the argument that the purported benefits of cutout saddles might be merely a placebo effect, with users attributing their improved comfort to the saddle design rather than the actual optimized seat height and bike fit?
Can anyone provide empirical evidence or credible research that definitively proves the cutout design provides a significant advantage in comfort and pressure relief over a properly fitted, non-cutout saddle with an optimized seat height?