Is the idea that cycling must be a transformative, life-changing experience in order to be meaningful a myth thats been perpetuated by the cycling community, and if so, what does it say about our expectations of how exercise should intersect with our sense of purpose? Does the pressure to have some sort of profound revelation on the bike actually detract from the simple joys of pedaling, and are we setting ourselves up for disappointment by assuming that every ride should be a spiritual experience? Can we find meaning and purpose in the mundane, day-to-day aspects of cycling, or are we just using the pursuit of epic rides as an excuse to avoid confronting the complexities of our own motivations? Does the search for transcendence on two wheels actually mask a deeper desire for control, or is it just a fancy way of saying that were trying to fill a void thats been created by our increasingly sedentary lifestyles? Are there any cyclists out there who have found a sense of purpose and meaning in their riding, but not in the way that the cycling media would have us believe – perhaps in the quiet, unassuming moments, rather than the grand, Instagram-worthy gestures?