Ghamph wrote:
> "Paul" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> I've only been riding about a month. When I sweat a lot it gets in my
> eyes
>> and causes blurry vision temporarily. How do you keep from getting sweat
> in
>> your eye or running form your head down?
> Hire a midget to ride on your handlebars and wipe your forehead every few
> minutes.
> He could also yell at you with his nasty little squeaky voice to "go faster
> faster boss".
> Jamffer
Get one of those really thick sweatbands so you can wring it out once in
a while. Take 2 showers a day, one before the ride and one after. I know
this sounds silly but I have real oily skin and taking a shower before a
long hot ride decreases the residue that can be washed into your eyes by
sweat. I don't get blurred vision and keep riding if only one eye is
affected, but closed due to the sweat and the burning. If my other eye
gets affected then it is time to get off the bike and rub down the front
of your head with something dry. In my case it is usually the front of
my shirt or a little rag I carry in a pocket for the occasion. If you
ride and it's over 60 degrees, you sweat. Last year I found myself
climbing mountains in heat over 100 F, and sweating a ton, so not even
the shirt thing worked. For this trip I was in full Fred mode and kept a
dry towel in the back rack, along with a 1 gallon thermos jug of water,
which did get drank.
Figure out what works for you and let us know.
It's a pain in the eyes but great for your body.
Bill Baka