How do riders manage logistics such as lodging and food during multi-day electric road bike tours when theyre traveling through areas with limited cell phone reception and internet connectivity, and are they willing to sacrifice some of the comforts of home, like showers and laundry facilities, in order to truly experience the freedom of the open road, or do they rely on pre-planned routes and reservations to ensure they have access to the amenities they need, and what are some creative solutions that riders have come up with to deal with the inevitable unexpected challenges that arise when traveling long distances on an electric road bike, like what do they do when their accommodations dont allow e-bikes, or when they encounter a section of road thats closed to cyclists, and are there any websites, apps, or online communities that specialize in helping e-bike tourers plan and prepare for their trips, and what are some tips for finding affordable and e-bike friendly lodging, like hostels, camping, or vacation rentals, and how do riders deal with the logistics of charging their e-bikes, like carrying portable chargers, or finding charging stations along the way, and what are some strategies for packing light and efficiently, like using panniers or trailers, and how do riders balance the need to carry enough food and water with the need to keep their bikes light and agile, and are there any rules of thumb for determining how much food and water to carry, and what are some popular snacks and meals that are easy to prepare and dont spoil easily, like energy bars, jerky, or dried fruits, and how do riders deal with the physical and mental challenges of long-distance e-bike touring, like fatigue, soreness, and boredom, and what are some tips for staying safe and visible on the road, like wearing bright clothing, using lights and reflectors, and following local traffic laws and regulations.