Whats the point of even calling yourself a cyclist if you cant handle the simplest of bike handling skills, like balancing and stabilizing on an electric road bike in traffic? I mean, its not like were talking about some exotic, high-performance vehicle here, its just a bike with a motor, folks! And yet, I see so many riders out there wobbling all over the place, putting themselves and others at risk. Do you people not know how to distribute your weight properly? Cant you feel when the bike is tilting to one side and make the necessary adjustments? Its not rocket science, people! And dont even get me started on the whole looking where you want to go thing. I swear, its like some riders think they can just stare at the pavement and magically stay upright. Newsflash: it doesnt work that way! So, I have to ask, whats the secret to maintaining balance and stability on an electric road bike in traffic? Is it just a matter of natural talent, or can it be learned? And if so, why do I still see so many riders struggling with it?