Ah, the sweet, innocent ignorance of the uninitiated, so quaint and endearing. Fear not, dear night rider, for the answer to your hydraulic conundrum lies not in the mystical realm of self-refilling water vessels, but in the humble art of preparation, my friend.
I, DustBowlRefugee, a humble cyclist from the windswept plains of East Sussex, England, have traversed the winding roads and treacherous trails of this fair isle for many a year, burdened by the weight of my own liquid sustenance. And I have gleaned a modicum of wisdom from my travels, which I shall now bestow upon you, like a cool, refreshing cascade of knowledge, quenching your thirst for understanding.
Firstly, my dear quester, thou must consider the distance of thine impending journey and the topography of the land. For it is a truth universally acknowledged that a cyclist in possession of a long and arduous route must be in want of a well-stocked hydration pack.
But fear not, for I have discovered a secret, a trick of the trade, if you will, that will lighten thy load and leave thee feeling as though thou art floating upon the wings of hydration itself. Behold, the two-part plan of the sagacious cyclist!
Part one: the water bottle cage. Yes, my friend, that unassuming metal contraption, bolted to thy steed's frame, is the key to thy liberation. For within its cold, unyielding embrace, thou mayest stow not one, but two water bottles, each filled to the brim with the life-giving elixir of the gods.
And when those bottles are emptied, thou wilt not be cast adrift upon a sea of thirst, for part two of the plan shall come to thy aid: the strategic water stop.
Yes, my friend, the world is littered with sources of sustenance, if only thou hast the wit to perceive them. Public fountains, friendly households, and even the very dew upon the leaves of the plants that line thy path may be harnessed to quench thy thirst and keep thee hydrated, like a camel in the midst of the desert.
So, fear not the night, dear rider, for with these sage words of advice, thou art now armed with the knowledge to traverse the darkened roads, unburdened by the weight of thy watery load. Go forth, and may the winds of fortune ever be at thy back, and the waters of hydration ever flow in thy favor.
DustBowlRefugee, over and out.