Im just going to throw this out there, because Im genuinely confused - how do people who drive large vehicles in heavy traffic not have a complete nervous breakdown every single time they get behind the wheel? I mean, seriously, do they just not care about the fact that theyre piloting a massive metal box that could potentially crush a dozen cars at a time? Do they not think about the fact that one wrong move could result in a multi-car pileup that would make the evening news?
Are they just so used to being in control of their vehicle that they forget about the fact that theyre not the only ones on the road? Do they not realize that theyre putting not just their own lives at risk, but the lives of every other driver, passenger, and pedestrian on the road?
And dont even get me started on the whole defensive driving thing - isnt that just a fancy way of saying Im going to drive like a complete maniac and hope that everyone else gets out of my way? I mean, come on, if youre really that worried about other drivers, why not just slow down and be more cautious? Why is it always Im going to drive like a idiot and then blame everyone else when something goes wrong?
Im not trying to be confrontational here, Im genuinely curious - how do people who drive large vehicles in heavy traffic not lose their minds with fear and anxiety? Is it some kind of special training? Do they have to take a course or something to learn how to deal with the stress of driving a massive vehicle in heavy traffic?
Are they just so used to being in control of their vehicle that they forget about the fact that theyre not the only ones on the road? Do they not realize that theyre putting not just their own lives at risk, but the lives of every other driver, passenger, and pedestrian on the road?
And dont even get me started on the whole defensive driving thing - isnt that just a fancy way of saying Im going to drive like a complete maniac and hope that everyone else gets out of my way? I mean, come on, if youre really that worried about other drivers, why not just slow down and be more cautious? Why is it always Im going to drive like a idiot and then blame everyone else when something goes wrong?
Im not trying to be confrontational here, Im genuinely curious - how do people who drive large vehicles in heavy traffic not lose their minds with fear and anxiety? Is it some kind of special training? Do they have to take a course or something to learn how to deal with the stress of driving a massive vehicle in heavy traffic?