Is it just me or are valve extenders just a cash grab for bike manufacturers and the only people who actually need them are those running ridiculously deep rims and cant even be bothered to learn how to use a pump with a decent hose length, and even then, arent they just a band-aid solution to a problem that doesnt really exist, I mean, who actually runs tires with such a high pressure that they cant just use a standard valve stem, and dont even get me started on the people who claim that valve extenders somehow magically improve their bikes performance, so Ill ask again, are valve extenders really worth the hassle and expense or are they just another overhyped accessory for posers who want to look pro, and if they are worth it, whats the best way to choose the right one for a bike with deep rims, does it really matter what brand or type of valve extender you use, or is it all just marketing nonsense, and what are some actual benefits to using a valve extender, apart from just being able to say that you have one on your bike.