Whats the real value of saddle width and rail material in determining comfort and performance on long rides, and shouldnt we be focusing more on the saddles ability to distribute pressure and reduce numbness, rather than just relying on conventional wisdom about saddle shape and size? It seems like many cyclists are still stuck on the idea that a wider saddle or a specific type of rail material is the key to comfort, but what about the saddles overall design and how it interacts with the riders body? Are we overlooking other critical factors, such as the saddles ability to absorb vibrations, reduce pressure points, and promote good blood flow? Shouldnt we be looking at the saddle as a whole, rather than just focusing on individual components? What role do you think the saddles cutout or recessed area plays in comfort and performance, and are there any drawbacks to this design feature? Can we really trust the recommendations of saddle manufacturers, or do we need to take a more nuanced and individualized approach to finding the right saddle for our needs?