Whats the point of even considering motor brand reliability when its clear that most ebike manufacturers are cutting corners to save a buck? I mean, lets be real, the whole industry is plagued by subpar quality, overhyped marketing, and a complete disregard for actual performance.
How can we even trust the reliability of these motors when the companies themselves cant be bothered to provide transparent information about their manufacturing processes? Its all just a bunch of vague claims and meaningless certifications.
Im calling out all you ebike enthusiasts - whats your criteria for evaluating motor brand reliability? Is it just a matter of blindly following the crowd and buying whatevers popular, or do you actually do your research and demand better from these manufacturers?
And dont even get me started on the so-called testing that these companies claim to do. Its just a joke. Anyone can rig up a few fancy graphs and call it a day. Wheres the real-world data? Wheres the evidence that these motors can actually withstand the rigors of regular use?
Im not buying the hype, and Im not convinced that any of these motor brands are truly reliable. So, I want to hear from you - whats your take on this? How do you choose a reliable motor brand, and what makes you think you can trust their products?
How can we even trust the reliability of these motors when the companies themselves cant be bothered to provide transparent information about their manufacturing processes? Its all just a bunch of vague claims and meaningless certifications.
Im calling out all you ebike enthusiasts - whats your criteria for evaluating motor brand reliability? Is it just a matter of blindly following the crowd and buying whatevers popular, or do you actually do your research and demand better from these manufacturers?
And dont even get me started on the so-called testing that these companies claim to do. Its just a joke. Anyone can rig up a few fancy graphs and call it a day. Wheres the real-world data? Wheres the evidence that these motors can actually withstand the rigors of regular use?
Im not buying the hype, and Im not convinced that any of these motor brands are truly reliable. So, I want to hear from you - whats your take on this? How do you choose a reliable motor brand, and what makes you think you can trust their products?