Is it really that hard to choose a chain lube, or are people just too lazy to do the research and instead rely on whatever brand their favorite pro team uses. I mean, seriously, whats the difference between a dry lube, a wet lube, and a ceramic lube, and why do some people swear by one over the other. Is it really about the riding conditions, or is it just about personal preference. And whats with all the conflicting advice online. One guy says to lube your chain every 100 miles, while another says to only lube it every 500 miles. And dont even get me started on the whole clean your chain before lubing it debate. Is it really necessary, or is it just a myth perpetuated by the bike industry to sell more cleaning products. And what about the environmental impact of all these different lubes. Are some really more eco-friendly than others, or is that just a marketing gimmick. And can someone please explain to me why some chain lubes are so ridiculously expensive. Is it really worth paying $20 for a tiny bottle of lube when you can get a generic brand for a fraction of the cost. Im not looking for opinions or personal anecdotes, I just want to know the facts. So, whats the science behind choosing the right chain lube, and how do I make an informed decision based on my riding style and conditions.