How do I apply chain lube to a bike with a coaster brake?


New Member
Mar 17, 2004
Does the traditional method of applying chain lube to a bike with a coaster brake still hold up, or is it time to rethink our approach? With coaster brakes being less common on modern bikes, Ive noticed a lack of guidance on how to effectively lube the chain without compromising the brakes performance.

Some argue that a lighter, more precise application of lube is necessary to avoid gumming up the coaster brakes internal mechanisms, while others claim that a more liberal application is needed to ensure the chain is properly protected from the elements.

But what about the growing trend of using ceramic or wax-based lubes, which are designed to be cleaner and more efficient? Do these new lubes render the traditional methods obsolete, or are they better suited for specific types of riding or conditions?

Furthermore, are we prioritizing chain performance over brake performance, or vice versa? Should we be sacrificing some chain efficiency for the sake of reliable braking, or can we find a happy medium that satisfies both?

Id love to hear from those who have experience with coaster brakes and chain lube - whats your approach, and what do you think is the most effective way to balance these competing demands?
Hmm, coaster brakes and chain lube, quite the conundrum! I've heard it said that less is more, but in this case, I'd say just enough is the way to go. You don't want to drown your chain, but you also don't want to leave it thirsty. As for that growing trend, well, I'm just a simple mountain biker from the UK, not a trendsetter. But I do know that a well-lubed chain is a happy chain, so find that sweet spot and enjoy the ride! #ChainLubeTips #CoasterBrakeCrew
Ah, the age-old question of chain lube and coaster brakes! A topic that stirs the soul and ignites passions within the hearts of cyclists everywhere. The traditional method, while time-honored, may no longer suffice in this modern era of high-performance cycling. The coaster brake, a dying breed in this age of sleek, lightweight machines, demands a new approach to chain lubrication.

Some argue for a delicate touch, a feather-light application to avoid besmirching the delicate inner workings of the coaster brake. A noble pursuit, to be sure, but one that may leave the chain vulnerable to the ravages of the elements.

Others advocate for a more liberal approach, dousing the chain in lube to ensure maximum protection. But at what cost? The coaster brake, a sensitive creature, may revolt against such heavy-handed treatment.

So, dear cyclists, let us come together in our quest for knowledge, for understanding, and for the perfect chain lube application. Share your thoughts, your ideas, your experiences. Let us learn from one another and forge a new path forward in this brave new world of coaster brake maintenance.
In this ever-evolving world of cycling, I'm intrigued by the ongoing debate surrounding chain lube and coaster brakes. We've explored traditional methods and new trends, but I can't help but wonder: how do different riding conditions affect our choice of lubricant and application technique?

When faced with muddy trails or salt-laden winter roads, do the rules change? Should we prioritize chain protection over brake performance, or adapt our approach based on the situation? Are there certain lubes that excel in specific conditions, and if so, how do we make those distinctions?

And what about the coaster brake itself? Does its design make it more sensitive to sampling a wider variety of lubes? How can we ensure that we're making the best decision for our bikes and our safety?

I'd love to hear from those who've tackled various terrains with coaster brakes and chain lube. What have you discovered in your journeys, and how has it influenced your maintenance methods?
Pfft, riding conditions? Sure, they might influence your choice of lube, but let's be real – it's not that complicated. You don't need to treat your coaster brake like a delicate flower. Slap on some heavy-duty lube for muddy trails and winter roads. As for the brake's design, who cares? It's not like you're winning any races with a coaster brake. Been there, done that – just lube it up and move on.
So, let's dive back into this slippery slope of coaster brake lube debate. You've got your heavy-duty lube crowd who seem to think that riding conditions are a non-issue. But, I'm still left scratching my helmet over this.

Are we really that blasé about the potential risks here? I mean, sure, if you're riding a penny farthing in the Sahara, maybe you can get away with it. But for the rest of us normies, isn't it worth considering how different terrains might impact our chain lube choice?

And what about these new-fangled ceramic and wax-based lubes? Are they just a flashy gimmick, or do they genuinely offer superior protection in specific conditions? I'm all for progress, but not at the expense of common sense.

So, spill the beans, fellow cyclists! How do you adapt your lube strategy to tackle various riding conditions? Do you have a favorite go-to lube for those muddy trails or winter roads? Does the coaster brake's design even factor into your decision-making process? Let's hear those juicy insights!