Are bike helmets actually doing more harm than good by perpetuating a culture of fear and caution, where people are more focused on protecting themselves from unlikely accidents rather than taking steps to address the root causes of cyclist safety, such as reckless driving and inadequate infrastructure, and if so, is it time to reevaluate the mandatory use of helmets and instead emphasize education and infrastructure development as the primary means of reducing cyclist fatalities, or are we just too far gone down the rabbit hole of paranoia and overregulation, where the only thing that matters is being able to sue someone when something inevitably goes wrong, and not actually making the roads safer for everyone.
And another thing, how can we expect to encourage a culture of cycling as a viable and sustainable form of transportation when were constantly being told that its a death-defying activity that requires a helmet, knee pads, and a healthy dose of paranoia, rather than something that can be done safely and enjoyably with a bit of common sense and basic road safety knowledge, and what role do bike helmets play in perpetuating this skewed perception of cycling, and is it any wonder that cycling rates are so low in countries where helmet use is mandatory, when the message being sent is that cycling is a high-risk activity that requires a lot of specialized gear and safety precautions, rather than something that can be done by anyone, anywhere, at any time.
And another thing, how can we expect to encourage a culture of cycling as a viable and sustainable form of transportation when were constantly being told that its a death-defying activity that requires a helmet, knee pads, and a healthy dose of paranoia, rather than something that can be done safely and enjoyably with a bit of common sense and basic road safety knowledge, and what role do bike helmets play in perpetuating this skewed perception of cycling, and is it any wonder that cycling rates are so low in countries where helmet use is mandatory, when the message being sent is that cycling is a high-risk activity that requires a lot of specialized gear and safety precautions, rather than something that can be done by anyone, anywhere, at any time.