So, you all claim to be eco-warriors, but Im calling BS. How can you seriously expect to create a sustainable and eco-friendly home supplement care studio when most of you are still driving gas-guzzling cars to your local spinning classes? Dont even get me started on the carbon footprint of those fancy Peloton bikes.
Whats the point of using recyclable packaging and energy-efficient light bulbs in your studio if youre just going to negate it all with your daily commuting habits? Are you going to start offering carbon offset credits with every spin class?
Lets get real, folks. If youre not willing to make some serious lifestyle changes, then your sustainable studio is just a bunch of greenwashing hype. So, whats the plan? How are you going to put your money where your mouth is and actually make a difference?
Whats the point of using recyclable packaging and energy-efficient light bulbs in your studio if youre just going to negate it all with your daily commuting habits? Are you going to start offering carbon offset credits with every spin class?
Lets get real, folks. If youre not willing to make some serious lifestyle changes, then your sustainable studio is just a bunch of greenwashing hype. So, whats the plan? How are you going to put your money where your mouth is and actually make a difference?