What is the optimal configuration for a backpack or hydration pack to carry additional nutrition and hydration supplies during long endurance rides, considering factors such as weight distribution, aerodynamics, and accessibility, and how do manufacturers claims of aerodynamic or streamlined designs hold up to scrutiny in terms of actual wind tunnel testing and real-world performance?
Furthermore, what are the most effective strategies for organizing and storing supplies within the pack to minimize clutter, prevent damage, and ensure quick access to essential items during the ride, and are there any innovative materials or technologies being developed to enhance the functionality and efficiency of these packs?
Lastly, how do the benefits of carrying additional supplies in a backpack or hydration pack weigh against the potential drawbacks of increased weight, wind resistance, and heat retention, and what are the key considerations for riders when deciding whether to use a pack or rely on traditional jersey pockets and water bottles?
Furthermore, what are the most effective strategies for organizing and storing supplies within the pack to minimize clutter, prevent damage, and ensure quick access to essential items during the ride, and are there any innovative materials or technologies being developed to enhance the functionality and efficiency of these packs?
Lastly, how do the benefits of carrying additional supplies in a backpack or hydration pack weigh against the potential drawbacks of increased weight, wind resistance, and heat retention, and what are the key considerations for riders when deciding whether to use a pack or rely on traditional jersey pockets and water bottles?