Is the conventional advice to remain calm when encountering a reckless driver truly effective, or does it inadvertently perpetuate a culture of complacency among vulnerable road users, such as cyclists and pedestrians? By being told to stay calm, are we not, in fact, being conditioned to accept a certain level of risk and danger on our roads, rather than demanding more robust measures to prevent such incidents from occurring in the first place? Shouldnt we, as a community, be focusing on strategies that address the root causes of reckless driving, rather than simply teaching cyclists how to cope with the consequences of such behavior? Does the emphasis on individual calmness obscure the need for systemic change and improved road safety infrastructure? Can we really expect to create a safer, more respectful road environment if we continue to place the onus on vulnerable users to remain calm in the face of reckless driving, rather than holding drivers accountable for their actions?