Are delivery truck drivers and cyclists doomed to be eternal enemies on the road, or is there actually a way to peacefully coexist? Im starting to think that some cyclists are more of a hazard to themselves than delivery trucks, but thats beside the point. Seriously though, what can be done to minimize the risk of a collision between a cyclist and a delivery truck? Is it all about following the rules of the road, or is there more to it? Should cyclists be expected to ride in bike lanes at all times, or is it okay to use the same roads as delivery trucks? What about the role of delivery truck drivers - are they not responsible for checking their mirrors and blind spots before making a turn? Do cyclists have any real recourse if they are involved in a collision with a delivery truck, or is it always going to be a case of he said, she said? And is it too much to ask for delivery truck drivers to actually care about the safety of cyclists, rather than just viewing them as annoying roadblocks? I mean, come on, cant we all just get along?