homemade airseat



A while ago someone had pictures in the forum of their airseat made from
a 12" tube and a blue sock. Can anyone find that thread? I just need
help on how to arange the tube under the sock.

sockmonster - One Wheeled Warrior

Funny how in this forum, no one thinks it's weird if someone says, "I
tacoed my giraffe..."
sockmonster's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/4286
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/32024
sockmonster wrote:
> *A while ago someone had pictures in the forum of their airseat made
> from a 12" tube and a blue sock. Can anyone find that thread? I just
> need help on how to arange the tube under the sock. *

You might try using the "Search" feature with a few different keywords.
I used "Homemade Airseat" and got a number of threads back, of which
this one looked like it might be useful:


John Childs also has some good visual documentation of an airseat
construction, although I didn't see any blue sock. You can find the
album here: http://gallery.unicyclist.com/john_childs

Good luck.


tomblackwood - Registered Nurtz

Tailgate at your own risk.....

tomblackwood's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/3762
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/32024
you can go 'here' (http://www.unicycling.org) for instrutions on how
to make an airseat.about halfway down the main screen on the right it
says AIRSEAT CONVERSION or something like that. click on that.:D

scooter - i live on the edge...of town


time flies like the wind,
fruit flys like oranges. -anonymous
scooter's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/5423
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/32024