Amongst all the dreadful happenings to me, of the last 4 months, yesterday
was suddenly made brighter when I received confirmation of my booking on the
Euro Bike Express bus for 20 May to drop me, my Velocepanther MkII and
trailer off in Mulhouse, France ( just), -- for me to start my next cycle
camping trip.
And then the postie delivered my new tour tent -- a bit bigger than my well
used Vango Micro 200 ( I got that new at £80 and is still in good order --
and, even waking up to see a mini lake surrounding my little tent one day, I
was still bone dry!) But the bones creak a bit more these days and it is
nice to have a bit more room to move around inside when it is tippling down
so I have got a 21/2 man tent with a porchway at the sacrifice of 1 1/2 kg
But it has had me looking at my routes and timings and I have also decided
to finish off my trip by cycling from Hull ( ex -- Basel and the Rhein +
Mosel, & Rotterdam) to the York cycle show and make a claim for the furthest
traveller to arrive there!
I shall have to adjust my schedules a tad but it would be a good end to the
trip and add a little glow to my ego too before I cycle a last day from York
to Conisbrough.
So now I am on plan 6c for my trip! But happy with it!
You see -- morale has been lifted and I am almost on the road again. (
mentally at least) -- albeit with an invisible knife still sticking in my
All this biking has to be good ( and to be fair, the majority of "motorists"
are polite and aware -- I'm afraid you can't say that about the majority of
those riding cycles -- which is why ...............!).
Well today has just been a good day -- I can now also stand up fair
automatically without thinking about what I have to do to avoid some pain.
( BTW like most men I am a total wimp wrt "PAIN"*****")
Trevor A Panther
In South Yorkshire,
England, United Kingdom.
was suddenly made brighter when I received confirmation of my booking on the
Euro Bike Express bus for 20 May to drop me, my Velocepanther MkII and
trailer off in Mulhouse, France ( just), -- for me to start my next cycle
camping trip.
And then the postie delivered my new tour tent -- a bit bigger than my well
used Vango Micro 200 ( I got that new at £80 and is still in good order --
and, even waking up to see a mini lake surrounding my little tent one day, I
was still bone dry!) But the bones creak a bit more these days and it is
nice to have a bit more room to move around inside when it is tippling down
so I have got a 21/2 man tent with a porchway at the sacrifice of 1 1/2 kg
But it has had me looking at my routes and timings and I have also decided
to finish off my trip by cycling from Hull ( ex -- Basel and the Rhein +
Mosel, & Rotterdam) to the York cycle show and make a claim for the furthest
traveller to arrive there!
I shall have to adjust my schedules a tad but it would be a good end to the
trip and add a little glow to my ego too before I cycle a last day from York
to Conisbrough.
So now I am on plan 6c for my trip! But happy with it!
You see -- morale has been lifted and I am almost on the road again. (
mentally at least) -- albeit with an invisible knife still sticking in my
All this biking has to be good ( and to be fair, the majority of "motorists"
are polite and aware -- I'm afraid you can't say that about the majority of
those riding cycles -- which is why ...............!).
Well today has just been a good day -- I can now also stand up fair
automatically without thinking about what I have to do to avoid some pain.
( BTW like most men I am a total wimp wrt "PAIN"*****")
Trevor A Panther
In South Yorkshire,
England, United Kingdom.