help on wheel walking

Try it alongside a fence. You can take your time and get your feet used
to not interfering with one another.

Practice practice practice.

U-Turn - Member of Generation XO

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-- Dave Stockton
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go a LOT slower than you think you should, and lean back.
Oh, and use a fence like UTurn suggested.

James_Potter - ***** ***** *****

-When life gives you lemons, make grape juice. Then sit back and watch
the world try to figure out how you did it.-
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heres the easiest way to wheel walk. i did it in about 3 minutes!

gpickett00 - Level 3.6666666667

Bicycle is just a short way of saying unicycle with a training wheel.
'Our unicycling video' (
> I like to do things that confuse other people - mix chocolate milk and
> orange juice, read books in trees, and other junk like that.

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George, that didn't work because it's a file on your computer. When
you're replying, at the bottom there's an option to attach a file, and
you need to click Browse.... and then select the picture and attach it.

James_Potter - ***** ***** *****

-When life gives you lemons, make grape juice. Then sit back and watch
the world try to figure out how you did it.-
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heres the easiest way to wheel walk. i did it in about 3 minutes

| Attachment filename: ww.jpg |
|Download attachment:|

gpickett00 - Level 3.7

Bicycle is just a short way of saying unicycle with a training wheel.
'Our unicycling video' (
> I like to do things that confuse other people - mix chocolate milk and
> orange juice, read books in trees, and other junk like that.

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Lol, nice picture.

Anyway, the main key to wheel walking is practice and more practice.

When i started learning i just went straight off a wall and pushed hard.
This was probably not a good thing to do. Take a bit of time wheel
walking against a wall to get feeling of moving the tire with the feet.
When you're ready just go from a wall and see how far you go.

A few tips:

- Slow it down! At the start you probably have to push really fast just
to stay on. As you get a bit more competent slow down the feet. Proper
wheel walking is actually done guite slow but the walker has heaps of
control of the wheel and is well balanced.

- Lean back: At the start i found i was falling forwards a lot as to
keep on i had to go really fast (see above). Sit up with a straight back
and lean back more than you think you need to.

- Shoes make a great difference when it comes to wheel walking.
You want shoes that are tight fiting and have a slightly flexible sole.
If you try in loose floopy shoes you will get no where. I started
learning in loose skate shoes and when i switched to tight fiting tennis
shoes i double my best distance first time.

More than anything, wheel walking requires practise.

nickvb123 - Freestyle Freak

"So Nick, What did you do for excersize?"
"I wheel walked the dog."

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My advice: Practice till you get it, it may seem like you never will but
one day, out of the blue you'll try and wheel walk and find that you can
go for alot longer than you used to, trust me, in this case practice
really does make perfect

KlownLife - The Bad Boy Of Uni

I'm Poetry In Motion, from start to finish
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