Whats the most extreme weather condition youve cycled in and still managed to maintain a shred of sanity? Was it a torrential downpour that threatened to turn your bike into a submarine, or a scorching heatwave that made the pavement feel like a griddle? Did you find yourself questioning the very fabric of your existence as the wind howled like a pack of wolves and the rain lashed down like a thousand tiny whips?
Or maybe youre one of those hardy souls who revels in the chaos, who sees the fury of the elements as an opportunity to test their mettle and push their bike to the limits? Do you have a secret stash of rain-soaked, wind-battered, and snow-covered war stories that youre just dying to share with the world?
More to the point, whats the trick to staying upright and on course when the weather gods decide to unleash their full fury upon you? Is it all about the right gear, the right bike, or the right mindset? Or is it something more intangible, a je ne sais quoi that sets the hardcore cyclists apart from the fair-weather fanatics?
Or maybe youre one of those hardy souls who revels in the chaos, who sees the fury of the elements as an opportunity to test their mettle and push their bike to the limits? Do you have a secret stash of rain-soaked, wind-battered, and snow-covered war stories that youre just dying to share with the world?
More to the point, whats the trick to staying upright and on course when the weather gods decide to unleash their full fury upon you? Is it all about the right gear, the right bike, or the right mindset? Or is it something more intangible, a je ne sais quoi that sets the hardcore cyclists apart from the fair-weather fanatics?