halloween muni weekend



hey, what would really be cool is if someone could organize some muni
event on halloween where you get to wear your costume while you ride. it
would have to be in the daytime but it would still be fun. and no clown
costumes. any other thoughts??

dubmuni2004 - I obviously dont have another wheel

I dont have a signature
dubmuni2004's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/5837
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haha, i never thought of being a clown for halloween. i decided for
bryan and i that we are going to be clowns for halloween, and ride
around on uni's and get candy. because its faster. hey, we arent too old
yet. (16)

gpickett00 - Level 3.7

Bicycle is just a short way of saying unicycle with a training wheel.
'Our unicycling videos' (http://www.unicyclist.com/gallery/albuv95)

gpickett00's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/5654
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That would be fun. I once saw a giant fish riding a unicycle, it's
floating around somewhere in the gallery.

James_Potter - Rettop_Semaj

-If there was an eleventh commandment, it is to be "thou shalt dip thy
pizza, for it is, wicked."-
-- Thedan
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