getting unicycle wet??

if you submerge the bearings a lot, or in dirty water, etc... they will
seize up. When the grease gets washed out by water, etc...that's not a
good thing.

Rinsing your uni off will do no damage, and is helpful for preventing
rust...if you have your uni out in salty roads in the winter, etc...

I never dry my uni's off after I wash them's all good.

'You can take them apart and regrease them'
( , or you can buy new

Look at the picture of all the dirt and crud that comes out of the
bearings...that's bad.

Sofa - you - pee - dee

'Unicycle Product Reviews' ( *107* reviews on
*72* products

'London Unicycling Club Website ' (
version 3.02

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Both my muni's bearings failed after riding thru only about 3 short
(10'-15') and 1 long (50') creak crossings. The muni has a KH wheelset,
the bearing had metal seals (I've replaced them with rubber sealed
bearings). The last muni ride included riding about 50' with the hub
submerged; the creaking was *quite* obnoxious by the end of the ride. I
suspect that just splashing or spraying the bearings is much less hard
on them than is submerging them (particularly, submerging them while

After removing the bearings, one was so stiff I could not turn it by
hand at all; the other can still be turned by hand, but does not rotate
smoothly. I have not tried rebuilding them (yet) - I figure it's worth
giving that a try so I might get a "free" spare set of useable bearings.
-- Thanks for that link, Sofa.

duaner - -

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