Whats the point of FulGazs training plans if theyre just a generic, one-size-fits-all approach that doesnt take into account individual riders unique goals, fitness levels, and riding styles? Can anyone seriously expect to see significant improvements in their performance by following a pre-canned plan that may not even be tailored to their specific needs? And what about the lack of transparency in their methodology? How do we know what research or science is actually behind these plans, or if theyre just a bunch of arbitrary workouts thrown together to make a profit?
Are FulGazs training plans really effective, or are they just a way to separate naive cyclists from their hard-earned cash? Have any of you actually seen noticeable improvements in your performance after following one of their plans, or are you just drinking the Kool-Aid and convincing yourselves that its working? And what about the competition - how do FulGazs plans stack up against other training platforms like Zwift or TrainerRoad? Are they truly innovative, or just more of the same old regurgitated workouts with a fancy new wrapper?
Are FulGazs training plans really effective, or are they just a way to separate naive cyclists from their hard-earned cash? Have any of you actually seen noticeable improvements in your performance after following one of their plans, or are you just drinking the Kool-Aid and convincing yourselves that its working? And what about the competition - how do FulGazs plans stack up against other training platforms like Zwift or TrainerRoad? Are they truly innovative, or just more of the same old regurgitated workouts with a fancy new wrapper?