Dr. Jai Maharaj

Face to face with a painful reality

Times News Network Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Lukhnow - Is India a 'nation in pain'? Well, medical experts say "Yes".

Not because of daily bomb blasts and terrorist activities, floods, droughts, poverty and famine or,
for that matter, due to a society torn by caste and communal configurations, but it is an actual
"physical pain" due to arthritis and rheumatism, which is making people cry.

It's high time government and research organisations focus on arthritis and rheumatism as public
health problems, they say.

Figures can only paint a brief picture of this 'painful reality' faced by the country, but
overlooked till date.

Medical research studies conducted so far show that 15 crore of India's population, that is one out
of every seven persons, suffers from actual rheumatic pain at any given moment.

A study conducted in Lukhnow shows that while eight per cent population in rural areas around the
city is afflicted by 'pain', a whopping 20 per cent of urban population suffers from physical pain
due to various ailments.

According to recent study conducted by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) 33 per cent population
in the US, that is one in every three persons in the US, was afflicted by painful rheumatic
diseases, which was up by 17 per cent in 1997.

Medical experts attribute this "steady and alarming rise of pain in people" as directly proportional
to rapid industrialisation, more competitiveness and aging.

Ironically, there are only around 100 trained rheumatologists in the country, with only around five
in UP, whereas in the US there are 4-5 rheumatologists in every big hospital.

In India there are only two centres, one in Chennai and another in Hyderabad, which produce trained
doctors in rheumatology.

Significantly, the dimensions of these "physical pains" are no less and it is the commonest cause
of disability, which is resulting in huge work and financial losses worth billions of rupees
every year.

Now the Department of Medicine, Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University (CSMMU), is all set
to launch a survey study on 'painful conditions' in rural and urban areas of Lukhnow, in association
with the Indian Council for Medical search (ICMR).

While releasing these 'painful' data at a Continuing Medical Education seminar on 'Nation In Pain'
at CSMMU, organised by the Department of Medicine and UP Chapter of the Association of Physicians
of India, Prof Siddharth Das said "people should not ignore even a slight pain in any part of
their body."

Contrary to general perception, with proper treatment it was possible to provide 80 per cent relief
to 80 per cent patients, provided people consulted doctors at early stage, he added.

Read the complete news at: http://www.timesofindia.com

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