Why do so many of you insist on calling yourselves gravel riders when in reality, youre just roadies who cant handle the rough stuff and mountain bikers who are too scared to hit the trails? Isnt gravel just a euphemism for Im not good enough to ride real trails, but I still want to pretend Im adventurous?
And while were at it, whats with the obsession with riding the same old gravel routes in the UK? Dont you get bored with the same scenery and the same potholed roads? Is it really that exciting to ride the same 50 miles of gravel every weekend, or are you just trying to pad your Strava stats?
And what about the actual routes themselves? Who decides what constitutes a gravel route anyway? Is it just a case of slapping a label on any old dirt path and calling it a day? Do you lot even care about the history and heritage of the routes youre riding, or is it all just about the Instagram likes and the #gravelride hashtag?
And lets not forget about the bike itself - do you really need a bespoke gravel bike to ride on dirt roads, or is that just a marketing gimmick to sell more bikes? Cant you just, I dont know, ride a mountain bike or a cyclocross bike and call it a day?
I mean, Im not trying to be a troll (okay, maybe I am), but seriously, whats the point of gravel riding? Is it just a fad, or is there something more to it that Im missing?
And while were at it, whats with the obsession with riding the same old gravel routes in the UK? Dont you get bored with the same scenery and the same potholed roads? Is it really that exciting to ride the same 50 miles of gravel every weekend, or are you just trying to pad your Strava stats?
And what about the actual routes themselves? Who decides what constitutes a gravel route anyway? Is it just a case of slapping a label on any old dirt path and calling it a day? Do you lot even care about the history and heritage of the routes youre riding, or is it all just about the Instagram likes and the #gravelride hashtag?
And lets not forget about the bike itself - do you really need a bespoke gravel bike to ride on dirt roads, or is that just a marketing gimmick to sell more bikes? Cant you just, I dont know, ride a mountain bike or a cyclocross bike and call it a day?
I mean, Im not trying to be a troll (okay, maybe I am), but seriously, whats the point of gravel riding? Is it just a fad, or is there something more to it that Im missing?