Euro style touring handlebars


New Member
Jul 28, 2004
Perhaps you blokes can help me on this one:

I have been looking for a particular style of touring handlebar, though I don't know what make/model it is, so I am having a tough go of finding it. It is somewhat figure-8 or butterfly shaped, with heavy padding all 'round. I have seen it in pictures, and it seems to be used in conjunction with rapid-fire or GripShift style shifters.

It is not a drop bar, nor is it a flat bar, but I would describe it is more flat than drop. It usually is positioned where the 'wings' of the butterfly shape are angled slightly upwards, so that the overall effect is that of a flat-ish bar with bar ends, sort of...

Any clue what I am describing here, or where to find/purchase it?


They seemed a good idea at first (BUT) they are bad for your shoulders, be carefull.
I had bought them for my wife and during our spring tour she had shoulder pains so we changed them back to streight bar with bar ends, for our fall tour and no more pain.
Shame your not near by I would give them to you FREE. Not worth the postage.
Yes, those ARE the ones - at least they are very similar. I heard via an Australian shop that my local Shimano rep might be able to hook me up with ones of a brand called 'PRO' Trekking bars - which are much like the ones you sent a picture of, but a bit narrower and compact.

Check em out here:

and while you are at it, DIG THAT BIKE!!! That is my dream ride right now - a fully tour spec'ed Long Haul Trucker from Surly.

Bad. Ass.

xilios said:
Yep those are the ones I got laying around collecting dust. All Products

I bought these recently and retrofit my drop handlbar touring bike with them. I added grip shifters and brake levers instead of my STI shifters as well. With my dual headlights and speedo there's still plenty of room for my hands.

I shopped around a lot and chose this set because it's relatively flat on the top, side and bottom of the bar. Ones that are more curvy aren't as comfortable on my hands.

It's interesting, I see these quite often in Europe but the only bike in the US I've seen with them is the REI Safari. There's a nice video on the REI web site that give you a good view of their configuration, mine is similar: