To all citizens of this "free" land:
Here we go again: reactionary measures resulting in a ban of ephedra? No science, no proof, just
fear of outraged deserving morons.
That is a previous post I wrote almost a year ago regarding Ephedra.
Based on the publicity, and the media twist, Ephedra must be far more dangerous then smoking?
Afterall, smoking, which I don't think anyone would dispute, has no health benefits whatsoever. In
fact, it only kills the people who do it, and the people around them! Yet, consumers still have the
choice to smoke. Shouldn't consumers have the choice to loose weight? enhance their energy levels?
Enhance their breathing and reduce their asthma symptoms? McDonalds french-fries has been linked to
high-cholesterol and obesity, resulting in heart attacks, clogged arteries, strokes, diabetes, and
the list goes on and on. Where is the FDA? It's a food! It's deadly! In fact, there is even studies
to prove it!
It's very apparant the FDA's proposal to ban Ephedra is purely reactionary and not truley based on
any potential danger or threat posed to society. These motions have to stop being about money and
start being about the safety of Americans. Take a quick look at the health affects of Aspartame,
Tobacco, Caffeine (may cause a heart attack and certainly strains the heart of one with high-blood
pressure). In fact Caffeine is incredibly similar to Ephedra in its affects. Coffee has NO warnings
(other than it may be VERY hot).
This is very silly, I think it's time people stand up and analyze the effectiveness of the FDA.
Thanks, Justin Varuzzo
- just a guy who has lost 100lbs with the aid of ephedra.
Here we go again: reactionary measures resulting in a ban of ephedra? No science, no proof, just
fear of outraged deserving morons.
That is a previous post I wrote almost a year ago regarding Ephedra.
Based on the publicity, and the media twist, Ephedra must be far more dangerous then smoking?
Afterall, smoking, which I don't think anyone would dispute, has no health benefits whatsoever. In
fact, it only kills the people who do it, and the people around them! Yet, consumers still have the
choice to smoke. Shouldn't consumers have the choice to loose weight? enhance their energy levels?
Enhance their breathing and reduce their asthma symptoms? McDonalds french-fries has been linked to
high-cholesterol and obesity, resulting in heart attacks, clogged arteries, strokes, diabetes, and
the list goes on and on. Where is the FDA? It's a food! It's deadly! In fact, there is even studies
to prove it!
It's very apparant the FDA's proposal to ban Ephedra is purely reactionary and not truley based on
any potential danger or threat posed to society. These motions have to stop being about money and
start being about the safety of Americans. Take a quick look at the health affects of Aspartame,
Tobacco, Caffeine (may cause a heart attack and certainly strains the heart of one with high-blood
pressure). In fact Caffeine is incredibly similar to Ephedra in its affects. Coffee has NO warnings
(other than it may be VERY hot).
This is very silly, I think it's time people stand up and analyze the effectiveness of the FDA.
Thanks, Justin Varuzzo
- just a guy who has lost 100lbs with the aid of ephedra.