Jon Meinecke
With the ongoing discussion of dealing with dogs, how about a quick census of how serious we've
found this problem.
1) Have you ever been bitten or injured as a result of an unrestrained dog?
2) How often do you encounter unrestrained dogs?
3) Are they more common and problematic in city or rural settings?
4) Do you regularly encounter the same dog?
(e.g. , on daily commute or weekly ride)
5) How often are the unrestrained dogs you encounter "aggressive"?
6) How often are they simply not really threatening?
7) Do you feel more threatened of being bitten or or of being knocked down (or running over dog)?
8) If you see a dog sprinting toward your path to intercept you, what do you do?
- speed up to out run them
- stop riding
- grab your halt, dazer, water bottle and prepare for "battle"
- grab your cell phone and call animal control
- keep riding "talk" to the dog
9) If you see a dog resting beside the rode, on a porch, etc... what do you do?
10) Have you ever talked to the owners or local authorities about problematic unrestrained dogs?
Jon Meinecke
found this problem.
1) Have you ever been bitten or injured as a result of an unrestrained dog?
2) How often do you encounter unrestrained dogs?
3) Are they more common and problematic in city or rural settings?
4) Do you regularly encounter the same dog?
(e.g. , on daily commute or weekly ride)
5) How often are the unrestrained dogs you encounter "aggressive"?
6) How often are they simply not really threatening?
7) Do you feel more threatened of being bitten or or of being knocked down (or running over dog)?
8) If you see a dog sprinting toward your path to intercept you, what do you do?
- speed up to out run them
- stop riding
- grab your halt, dazer, water bottle and prepare for "battle"
- grab your cell phone and call animal control
- keep riding "talk" to the dog
9) If you see a dog resting beside the rode, on a porch, etc... what do you do?
10) Have you ever talked to the owners or local authorities about problematic unrestrained dogs?
Jon Meinecke