Whats the point of even having an eBike if the battery isnt properly balanced, are manufacturers just expecting us to constantly babysit our batteries, because honestly, who has the time or expertise to manually balance cells, and can someone please explain to me why were still using lithium-ion batteries that require this kind of maintenance, is it just me or does it sound like the entire industry is just phoning it in, I mean, Ive seen some eBikes that claim to have battery balancing features, but are they even effective, or is it just some marketing gimmick to make us feel better about our purchase, and whats the deal with the lack of transparency around battery management systems, its like manufacturers are intentionally hiding this information from us, so Ill ask again, does the eBike offer any battery balancing features to ensure even charging of individual cells, or are we just stuck with subpar technology thats going to leave us stranded on the side of the road.