Can someone please explain to me why every single eBike manufacturer claims to have the most advanced torque sensor technology that adjusts power output based on pedal pressure, yet when you actually ride these bikes, it feels like theyre either completely on or completely off, with no actual nuance or subtlety to the power delivery? I mean, come on, are we really supposed to believe that every single eBike on the market has a torque sensor thats somehow magically calibrated to the riders exact pedal pressure, and that the only reason we dont feel this subtle power adjustment is because were just not pedaling hard enough or something?
And dont even get me started on the so-called advanced algorithms that are supposedly used to interpret the data from the torque sensor and adjust the power output accordingly. I mean, if these algorithms are so advanced, why do they always seem to get it wrong? Why do eBikes always seem to surge forward with way too much power when youre trying to start from a standstill, and then suddenly cut off when youre trying to maintain a steady pace?
And whats with all the marketing hype about natural feel and intuitive power delivery? I mean, if the power delivery is so natural and intuitive, why do I always feel like Im fighting the bike to get it to do what I want? Why cant I just get a smooth, consistent power output that doesnt feel like its constantly trying to jerk me out of the saddle?
Im starting to think that all this talk about torque sensors and advanced algorithms is just a bunch of marketing nonsense, and that the real reason eBikes dont have more subtle power delivery is because its just too hard to get it right. I mean, lets be real, were talking about a complex system that involves multiple variables and uncertainties, and its just not possible to get it perfect every time. But hey, maybe Im just wrong, and theres some eBike out there that actually does have a torque sensor that works perfectly. So, can someone please enlighten me and tell me what Im missing?
And dont even get me started on the so-called advanced algorithms that are supposedly used to interpret the data from the torque sensor and adjust the power output accordingly. I mean, if these algorithms are so advanced, why do they always seem to get it wrong? Why do eBikes always seem to surge forward with way too much power when youre trying to start from a standstill, and then suddenly cut off when youre trying to maintain a steady pace?
And whats with all the marketing hype about natural feel and intuitive power delivery? I mean, if the power delivery is so natural and intuitive, why do I always feel like Im fighting the bike to get it to do what I want? Why cant I just get a smooth, consistent power output that doesnt feel like its constantly trying to jerk me out of the saddle?
Im starting to think that all this talk about torque sensors and advanced algorithms is just a bunch of marketing nonsense, and that the real reason eBikes dont have more subtle power delivery is because its just too hard to get it right. I mean, lets be real, were talking about a complex system that involves multiple variables and uncertainties, and its just not possible to get it perfect every time. But hey, maybe Im just wrong, and theres some eBike out there that actually does have a torque sensor that works perfectly. So, can someone please enlighten me and tell me what Im missing?