Bob wrote:
:: On Jun 1, 6:24 am, "Roger Zoul" <
[email protected]> wrote:
::: Anyone have any experiences to share? I'm going next week to Oahu
::: and am thinking of skipping over ot Maui for the downhill ride from
::: Heleakala summit.
:: I did the downhill ride 10+ years ago. It's enjoyable enough but
:: three warnings:
:: 1- The folks that run the group rides gear them and the bikes to suit
:: non-riders. They also get very nervous if you don't brake a lot.
:: (This could have been just the outfit that ran the ride I was on.)
:: 2- The sunrise may be beautiful *when you can see it* but more than
:: one local told me later that the gorgeous sunrise I was expecting
:: only happens about one morning in any two weeks. The rest of the
:: time there are too many clouds.
That would be very disappointing, since I'd have to spent the night on Maui
to make that sunrise happen (while still holding a room in Honolulu).
:: 3- It gets very cold and very wet at the top and very warm at the
:: base. Layers are required.
:: If I could do it over again I think I'd look into riding *up* the
:: crater.
I've never attempted that much of a climb before, even though I agree it
does sound like a lot of fun. The person traveling with me doesn't seem
interested in doing this climb (he's more of a mountain biker), but I'll
probably bring up the idea with him. Mark's page helps to give a good idea
of what's involved. "If you encounter a 10% grade, you've made a wrong
turn." Yeah, absolutely!
I'd better take my Garmin 305.
Doing this on a rental gives me pause, too.