Cycling Access, Milngavie Reservoir - Update



I previously posted in April 2006
about "No Cycling" signs still being in place at Milngavie Reservoir
just north of Glasgow over a year after the Land Reform
(Scotland) Act 2003 came in to effect and superceded any bylaws like
this. Basically the situation in Scotland now is that cycling is
allowed anywhere it is legal to walk with a few exceptions.

I wrote to Scottish Water and after my second try got a reply from
them which agreed the signs did not apply and stated they were
designing new signage which complied with the act. After no change for
a year I wrote again in May 2007 but got no reply. I then contacted
the local authority access offficer supposed to deal with problems
like this. Twice he told me he had been assured the signs would be
taken down and twice nothing was done.

Finally I wrote to my MSP who took the matter up and got the signs
removed in a matter of days. When it takes 18 months to get a public
body to comply with the law it's no wonder some people choose to take
more direct action.

On 7 Dec, 00:37, iarocu <[email protected]> wrote:
> I previously posted in April 2006
> about "No Cycling" signs still being in place at Milngavie Reservoir
> just north of Glasgow over a year after the Land Reform
> (Scotland) Act 2003 came in to effect and superceded any bylaws like
> this. Basically the situation in Scotland now is that cycling is
> allowed anywhere it is legal to walk with a few exceptions.
> I wrote to Scottish Water and after my second try got a reply from
> them which agreed the signs did not apply and stated they were
> designing new signage which complied with the act. After no change for
> a year I wrote again in May 2007 but got no reply. I then contacted
> the local authority access offficer supposed to deal with problems
> like this. Twice he told me he had been assured the signs would be
> taken down and twice nothing was done.
> Finally I wrote to my MSP who took the matter up and got the signs
> removed in a matter of days. When it takes 18 months to get a public
> body to comply with the law it's no wonder some people choose to take
> more direct action.
> Iain

Excellent work, well done. A lovely place for a walk with the kiddies;
one of my favourite places when I lived up there. I included the
resevoirs in my long evening runs because there was (maybe still is) a
drinks fountain where one can sample the product of Loch Katrine.
Didn't used to cycle there, if I remember, but it's a great place for
youngsters to be let loose, provided that they don't stray onto the


> Didn't used to cycle there, if I remember, but it's a great place for
> youngsters to be let loose, provided that they don't stray onto the
> banks!

Yes. A lovely place to run or go for a walk. I actually cycle there
very rarely. At weekends there is so many walkers I wouldn't choose to
go there. I objected though to being told I wasn't allowed to cycle
