Cross Canada Tour Website!

tukanuk said:
I've finally started my cross Canada Tour! Check out my progress at:


Hi Ben:
I've been checking in on your "Site"............if you have any more tire problems, check out "Continental Top Touring 2000" tires. You should be able to get them in the range of $50. CDN. I have had wonderful service from those touring tires.
Also, near Valemount and Te'te Jaune Cashe, before you reach Mt. Robson, is Mt. Terry Fox. It's not a very impressive mountain, as mountains go, but there is a little roadside Kiosk and as a Canadian, I would bet you will have a "spiritial experience" by just being there and seeing it. We have such a beautiful country and we are such a fortunate lot, we Canadians, eh?

ride safely.........Butch