Courier Mail: Drunk cyclist is banned from driving



Competition for the wittiest response to the Magistrate's comment, last
line of the article.

Drunk cyclist is banned from driving
Cameron Atfield
JULIAN Korpela has never had a driver's licence but he has already been
disqualified from holding one.

He had no idea he would be breaking the law when he jumped on his
bicycle one night after drinking.

As he pedalled along busy Gympie Rd at Lawnton police noticed there was
something erratic about the way he handled his bike.

"It was obvious he was intoxicated while riding," police prosecutor
Senior-Constable Dean Roper told Petrie Magistrates Court yesterday.

"He had trouble stopping and nearly fell off."

Korpela, 18, was riding without lights and wore dark clothing, so it
was difficult for motorists to see him, Sen-Constable Roper said.

He said Korpela then became aggressive towards police before he
recorded a blood alcohol level of .163 - more than three times the
legal limit for drivers.

Korpela pleaded guilty and told the court he regretted his actions, but
was not aware he was breaking the law.

"I had no idea you could get caught riding drunk on a bike," he said.

Magistrate Michael Halliday fined Korpela $1000 for riding drunk, and
disqualified him from holding a licence for 10 months.

He also imposed a $100 fine for the charge of obstructing police, but
no conviction was recorded.

"Riding a bike under the influence of liquor is just as dangerous to
other motorists and to yourself as driving a motor vehicle," Mr
Halliday said.
Donga said:
Competition for the wittiest response to the Magistrate's comment, last line of the article.

Der fred?

Donga said:
"Riding a bike under the influence of liquor is just as dangerous to other motorists and to yourself as driving a motor vehicle," Mr
Halliday said.

Not witty, but this does not ring true when examining crash stats or the TAC stats. Needless to say, be responsible.
"Donga" <[email protected]> writes:

> "Riding a bike under the influence of liquor is just as dangerous to
> other motorists and to yourself as driving a motor vehicle," Mr
> Halliday said.

"Riding a moped scooter and crashing head on into a semi-trailer is
just as dangerous to the other motorist and to yourself as driving a
semi-trailer drunk."

Also, I want to know when bicycle riders became motorists, since his
remarks obviously imply it ("to *other* motorists").


P.S. Getting drunk is a dang stupid thing to do. Riding on the road
drunk is even stupider. And if you do it while black, well that's the
real ticket to jail, isn't it?


David Trudgett

Equally, our immoral person must get away with any crimes he
undertakes in the proper fashion, if he is to be outstandingly
immoral; getting caught must be taken to be a sign of incompetence,
since the acme of immorality is to give an impression of morality
while actually being immoral. So we must attribute consummate
immorality to our consummate criminal, and if we are to leave it
intact, we should have him equipped with a colossal reputation for
morality even though he is a colossal criminal. He should be capable
of correcting any mistakes he makes. He must have the ability to argue
plausibly, in case any of his crimes are ever found out, and to use
force wherever necessary, by making use of his courage and strength and
by drawing on his fund of friends and his financial resources.

-- Plato, in "Republic", 361a-361b, the words of Glaucon.
"Swimming while under the influence of liquor is just as dangerous to
other boaties and to yourself as driving a motor boat"......


So I wonder if he's actually banned from riding his bike on the road
for the same period of time as the "imaginary licence
disqualification"?? That would make sense...

On 2 Mar 2006 23:40:41 -0800, "Donga" <[email protected]> wrote:

> "Riding a bike under the influence of liquor is just as dangerous to
> other motorists and to yourself as driving a motor vehicle," Mr
> Halliday said.

Riding a dike under the influence is the most dangerous thing on the planet.
Appearing before Mr Halliday after cycling under the influence of
liquor is more dangerous to your driving than to your cycling.
On 2006-03-03, cfsmtb (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> Donga Wrote:
>> Competition for the wittiest response to the Magistrate's comment, last
>> line of the article.

> Der fred?
> Donga Wrote:
>> "Riding a bike under the influence of liquor is just as dangerous to
>> other motorists and to yourself as driving a motor vehicle," Mr
>> Halliday said.

> Not witty, but this does not ring true when examining crash stats or
> the TAC stats. Needless to say, be responsible.

No no, what I believe he is saying, is you have to be drunk and riding
before you cause the same amount of risks to other road users as if
you were just a normal morotist.

If a train station is a place where a train stops, what's a workstation?
Donga said:
Appearing before Mr Halliday after cycling under the influence of
liquor is more dangerous to your driving than to your cycling.

The first word that came into my head after reading the story is APPEAL !

I believe that their is a famous lawer from South Australia who is an expert at getting ppl off drink driving charges.
Dont think he is very busy right now.

BTW his name is Eguene Mc Gee and he is famous for killing a cyclist and then hiding from the police.

HughMann said:
I believe that their is a famous lawer from South Australia who is an expert at getting ppl off drink driving charges.
Dont think he is very busy right now.

BTW his name is Eguene Mc Gee and he is famous for killing a cyclist and then hiding from the police.

Funny that.

Actually McGee's defence counsel, Grant Algie is probably busy tidying up from the Falconio & Snowtown trials. When that's finally finished, the charges of attempting to pervert the course of justice against Craig & Eugene McGee should commence, whenever the SA legal system grinds into action....
On 07/03/06 at 02:14:56 aus.bicycle,,, somehow managed to type:

****!!!! my Bratton filters have been subverted....:-(

BE A LOOF! (There has been a recent population explosion of lerts.)
Donga said:
"Riding a bike under the influence of liquor is just as dangerous to
other motorists and to yourself as driving a motor vehicle," Mr
Halliday said.

"Driving a motor vehicle is more dangerous than licking an influential bicyclist, to yourself or on your Ho(a)lliday"

F"dont get any ideas"Dutch
On 2006-03-07, flyingdutch (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> Donga Wrote:
>> "Riding a bike under the influence of liquor is just as dangerous to
>> other motorists and to yourself as driving a motor vehicle," Mr
>> Halliday said.

> "Driving a motor vehicle is more dangerous than licking an influential
> bicyclist, to yourself or on your Ho(a)lliday"


> F"dont get any ideas"Dutch


Cult: (n) a small, unpopular religion.
Religion: (n) a large, popular cult.
On 2006-03-07, Humbug (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> On 07/03/06 at 02:14:56 aus.bicycle,,
>, somehow managed to type:
> ****!!!! my Bratton filters have been subverted....:-(

Mine are still working just well. It's amazing how long these rules
have lasted, does he not upgrade?

X-HTTP-UserAgent: .*MSIE 6\.0; AOL 9\.0
X-HTTP-Via: .*Velocity.*Turboweb

In the world of Windows, that probably would be taken as:

X-HTTP-UserAgent: *MSIE 6.0; AOL 9.0
X-HTTP-Via: *Velocity*Turboweb

"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it." - Brian W. Kernighan
On 07/03/06 at 13:30:07 TimC somehow managed to type:


> >
> > ****!!!! my Bratton filters have been subverted....:-(

> Mine are still working just well. It's amazing how long these rules
> have lasted, does he not upgrade?
> X-HTTP-UserAgent: .*MSIE 6\.0; AOL 9\.0
> X-HTTP-Via: .*Velocity.*Turboweb
> In the world of Windows, that probably would be taken as:
> X-HTTP-UserAgent: *MSIE 6.0; AOL 9.0
> X-HTTP-Via: *Velocity*Turboweb

Thanks for that Tim I'll impelement that in my leafnode filter file - I
don't always use slrn from the same machine and maintaining more than
one score file is a pain - especially for some of the amateur radio
groups. For dross just cannot be beaten and
makes the score files BIG and therefore slow... XanaNews only has a
pretty primitive "Bozo filter" so the leafnode filter is it.

BE A LOOF! (There has been a recent population explosion of lerts.)
On 2 Mar 2006 23:40:41 -0800, "Donga" <[email protected]> wrote:

> "Riding a bike under the influence of liquor is just as dangerous to
> other motorists and to yourself as driving a motor vehicle," Mr
> Halliday said.

Riding a dike under the influence is the most dangerous thing on the planet.

particularly if you are a man! :p