Comparing Zwifts training analytics to real-world performance: Is it worth the hype or just a bunch of virtual nonsense?
Ive been digging through Zwifts training analytics and Im starting to wonder if theyre actually useful or just a bunch of numbers that sound good but dont translate to real-world performance. I mean, who cares if you can crush a virtual hill climb if you cant even keep up with the pack on a real ride?
Ive seen riders with impressive Zwift stats get dropped on the first climb of a real group ride. And on the flip side, Ive seen riders with mediocre Zwift numbers hold their own and even take the win in a real-world crit. So whats the point of all these fancy analytics if they dont actually predict how youll perform in the real world?
Is it just me, or are we all getting too caught up in the virtual world and forgetting what really matters - actual bike handling skills, strategy, and physical fitness? I mean, Ive seen riders who cant even corner properly or hold a straight line, but they can somehow manage to eke out a few extra watts in a virtual sprint.
And dont even get me started on the whole FTP thing. Is it really a useful metric, or is it just a bunch of nonsense that sounds good but doesnt actually mean anything? Ive seen riders with high FTP numbers get destroyed by riders with lower numbers, simply because they had better bike handling skills and knew how to pace themselves.
So, whats the real value of Zwifts training analytics? Are they worth the hype, or are they just a bunch of virtual fluff that doesnt actually translate to real-world performance?
Ive been digging through Zwifts training analytics and Im starting to wonder if theyre actually useful or just a bunch of numbers that sound good but dont translate to real-world performance. I mean, who cares if you can crush a virtual hill climb if you cant even keep up with the pack on a real ride?
Ive seen riders with impressive Zwift stats get dropped on the first climb of a real group ride. And on the flip side, Ive seen riders with mediocre Zwift numbers hold their own and even take the win in a real-world crit. So whats the point of all these fancy analytics if they dont actually predict how youll perform in the real world?
Is it just me, or are we all getting too caught up in the virtual world and forgetting what really matters - actual bike handling skills, strategy, and physical fitness? I mean, Ive seen riders who cant even corner properly or hold a straight line, but they can somehow manage to eke out a few extra watts in a virtual sprint.
And dont even get me started on the whole FTP thing. Is it really a useful metric, or is it just a bunch of nonsense that sounds good but doesnt actually mean anything? Ive seen riders with high FTP numbers get destroyed by riders with lower numbers, simply because they had better bike handling skills and knew how to pace themselves.
So, whats the real value of Zwifts training analytics? Are they worth the hype, or are they just a bunch of virtual fluff that doesnt actually translate to real-world performance?